YW# : a file number at Dark Wanderer's site. Neither Ole Joe nor I collect(ed) gay fiction, and some of what she reviews falls in that category, so not all her story reviews will be listed in this document. Her ratings run from A+ to D-, though I don't remember seeing one that low. Starting with version 3, Ole Joe started adding ratings from Lady Cyrrh's Annex Reviews. Note that Celeste traditionally quoted low for stories featuring rape, bondage, D/S, humiliation and so on. For updating Ole Joe's data I used John Dark's Celestial Reviews #1-309 Index by Authors A-Z and Celestial reviews #1-309 Index by Stories A-Z, posted to ASSM. See a Celestial Review and FAQ to understand just what the ratings mean, otherwise, accept a 10-10-10 for what it sounds like. He has tried to find a few reviews for each author cited. Ole Joe has added story ratings as posted in Celestial Reviews as a guide to potentially interested readers.

Blackwind rajah archive#
For such purpose are existing Google, ASSTR, Nifty and other archive sites. This document can never list all stories posted to the groups. If a listed author or somebody else is interested s/he can mail me about authors s/he would like to see in this list or inform me about other stories for each author which is listed, of course ever name at least one source where such a "new' story can be verified.

Additionally, there are many more authors than there are listed. There may be, and likely are, additional stories extant for each author which are not listed. The time demands to maintain this portion of the article may quickly grow to exceed the capacity to keep current. If you will provide descriptive details and a story list, future revisions of this document will include that information. If your favourite author was omitted, it might not have been intentional. Reluctantly, this then, will be a listing of the more prolific and/or accomplished writers. It would be the labour of a lifetime to acknowledge each and every contributor to the groups. Following is an alphabetical listing of prominent authors who regularly appear/appeared in the newsgroups mentioned above along with a brief description of their stories.